

The 斯科特商学院 could not provide as many opportunities for our students as we do without the generous support of many local, 区域, national and international companies. This support comes in many forms; sponsoring many of our events and activities, 提供演讲嘉宾, providing internships and eventually providing full time employment for our graduates.

马文·约翰逊 & Associates

The largest independent truck insurance agency in the midwest

For more than four decades, 马文·约翰逊 & Associates has provided prompt, personal service to the Midwest, serving as the largest independent truck insurance agency in Indiana, 俄亥俄州和伊利诺伊州.

Our claims service places emphasis on the immediate reporting of accidents, on-the-scene investigations and speedy settlements–all designed to get your driver back on the road as quickly as possible.

Our answering service and claims service telephones operate on truckers’ hours–24 hours a day, 每一天. When drivers call, they get direct service from the agency familiar with their insurance needs. All drivers are provided with accident packets and auto ID cards, which include detailed procedures to follow in case of mishap.

马文·约翰逊 & Associates is equipped with the computer systems necessary to give you crucial information “on-demand” quickly and efficiently. Our toll-free 800 numbers make communications easy and we offer bond and permit services as a time-saving convenience to our customers.


我们要感谢 萨默塞特注册会计师和顾问 for their continuing support of the 斯科特商学院. 萨默塞特注册会计师和顾问 are one of the largest accounting and consulting firms in the Midwest, and provide the in-depth expertise expected from a larger firm with the personable approach of a local practice.

60多年来, 萨默塞特注册会计师和顾问 has been guiding clients through the critical decisions that impact their financial health. Whether you are just starting out or overseeing a multi-million dollar corporation, Somerset is dedicated to looking after our clients’ best interests and addressing their needs.

萨默塞特注册会计师和顾问 are hiring!

会计电子游戏试玩, as an intern you will work alongside a team of tax experts and when appropriate, you may have opportunities to travel offsite and meet clients with their Assurance team. See what else 萨默塞特注册会计师和顾问 can do for you in 他们的招聘手册.

参加他们的 暑期体验2023 event in Indianapolis on May 10!

Their career opportunities are also listed at http://somersetcpas.com/careers/ If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Recruiting@SomersetCPAs.com



Some of our partners were asked to create a short video of encouragement to our students. 这些是他们的回答...


命运Davisson, Recruitment Manager at 提升印第安纳州 explains "Nothing good comes from your comfort zone."


杰西卡·纽曼, Group Talent Acquisition Manager at 企业控股有限公司 explains that you need to stay positive and strong.


凯拉Boyll, Corporate Branding Specialist at 北美照明 explains how she uses an Accomplishment Log to help stay focused.

The videos can also be viewed as a YouTube播放列表

我们要感谢 the following companies for taking part in this project...


